Saturday, February 16, 2013

llama llama

Visited my friend again today. Paul the llama.  I don't know her real name but for now she will be Paul.

I'm a happy camper.

That's all folks. Expect more outfit posts soon.

xo, Meow

Friday, February 15, 2013

furry friendz

HIYA! Shown below is my dog Hood who I drove to Florida this past summer. He now resides there with my lovely father.

Shown below is Poopy. My friend Lizette's dog who we dyed this past summer. He was a good sport about it. <3

Felt like sharing my favorite hounds with ya guys. Strange because I'm such a cat person but hey, dogs are still the bee's knees.

xo, Meow


"Everything changes when you start to emit your own frequency rather than absorbing the frequencies around you, when you start imprinting your intent on the universe rather than receiving an imprint from existence."
Barbara Marciniak

Oh life.

xo, Meow

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

lady (bug)

Hiya lovelies!  I spotted this ladybug before my bike ride the other day. I've been seeing a lot of them around lately, they're so adorable. :-)

...And I made some new friends. 

I recently moved from San Francisco to a small town to just breathe and get my head on straight. Figure some stuff out and figure myself out. It's been doing me a lot of good, I've been going hiking, bike riding, reading a ton, I've been more inspired lately and the antique shops out here are killer. It inspired me to start blogging too. So here I am!

La de da de da.

xo, Meow.

Friday, February 8, 2013


Opening an etsy shop soon to sell vintage clothes and jewelry. With my obsession with thrift & antique stores my closet has grown quite massive and I want to share!

Just a few things that will be posted up when I open up the shop alongside some handmade goodies. Yay!! :-) 

xo, Meow.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

But dude..

I've always so inspired by the people closest to me, my sister growing up mainly because she's 8 years my elder and we never lived together. The times I had with her growing up were few and cherished and I wanted to be exactly like her. She had this grungy gothy look that were perfection to me in my elementary school years and have stuck with me since. The Carhartt beanie is so comfy, and taken from my boyfriend. The flannel's from my father's closet. He's never seeing that thing again. I love wearing things from my loved ones, it keeps them close. 

                What I'm Wearing:
  • boyfriend's beanie
  • dad's flannel
  • cashmere cardigan
  • thrifted leopart shirt
  • thrifted plaid skirt
  • thrifted leather backpack
  • Urban Outfitters socks
  • T.U.K. creepers
xo, Meow

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

And so it begins..

Hello! I am so thrilled to start sharing my style, thoughts, rambles, art, etc with the interwebs and figured the best way to start should be with my favorite dress.  I found this beautiful sheer dress at a Salvation Army in San Jose. The necklace I absolutely adore, got it from Urban Outfitters. I'm obsessed with anything cat-related (hence the nickname Meowchelle I got in high school).
Anyhoo, I'm super stoked to be blogging, I feel it's the beginning of a beautiful thing.

xo, Meow